Seed Stitch

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Gobstopper Cardi

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Pattern: In my head. It's just a basic sweater with a little collar with a picot bind off. And a one-button closure, like the Jawbreaker Cardi that inspired it. I'll call it the Gobstopper Cardi, since a gobstopper is basically a mini-jawbreaker. Plus I love gobstoppers.

Yarn: 5.5 oz of Corriedale that I spun and made a two-ply (dyed by Heather), knit on size 10.5 needles.

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I am so happy with this. I can't believe how well it fits her! I was worried about the sleeves being too short, but really they're just perfect. I reknit the collar three times to get it to lay right, and used up very last bit of yarn. All I had left was the little bits left after weaving in the ends. I've never planned something out like this (from fiber to finished garment) and had it work out so perfectly.

Click any little pic for a big version:

Livvy Livvy Liv's sweater from the back Liv's Sweater Liv's sweater

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Embroidered Raglan

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Pattern: Embroidered Raglan Sweater, from Knitting For Two, by Erika Knight
Yarn: Cascade Pima Tencel, edging is Artful Yarns Fable in the "Hansel and Gretel" colorway.

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I left off the embroidery because it seemed like a little much, and next time I make this I will definitely be knitting it in the round. Too many ends to weave in for one tiny sweater! But it's so cute, and the button up raglan is perfect for huge baby heads.

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Monday, February 19, 2007


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Yarn: Handspun Alpaca/Silk single (fiber from Matahari Spinnery). I used around 2.6 oz of fiber.

Pattern: Seraphim, by Miriam Felton

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I knit this with a laceweight single on size 5 needles, and it came out exactly like I'd hoped. Lighter and airier than Mim's original, but not so holey that the pattern was lost.

And it photographs so well that I couldn't choose just a few pictures. Click any of them for bigger:

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Monday, January 22, 2007


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Pattern: Trellis

Yarn: Brown Sheep Lamb's Pride

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Notes: I had a wicked time with the grafting of the shoulders on this one. I'd never done kitchener stitch on seed stitch before, but I found a good explanation (by Debbie New, author of My favorite knitting book!) on grafting seed stitch here.

I tried joining the shoulders with a three needle bind-off first, just because it was easier and stronger, but wasn't at all happy with the way it looked:

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Shoulder seamed with three-needle bind-off

So I followed Debbie New's advice and knit a little swatch of the cable/seed stitch pattern, knit ONE row in a contrasting color, and then finished the swatch in the main color.

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Then I made my grafting yarn follow the pattern of the blue yarn, passing it in and out of the stitches in the same way the blue yarn went.

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Shoulder joined with kitchener stitch

It looked much better grafted like that. And once it was blocked you couldn't even tell it had been grafted.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wing of the Moth

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Pattern: Wing of the Moth, by Anne Hanson
Yarn: 2/14 Alpaca Silk, from Webs. I got a 1/2 lb cone of this and used less than half of it.

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Monday, July 31, 2006

Shetland Triangle

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Pattern: Shetland Triangle, From Wrap Style.

Yarn: Merino/Tencel single (lilac color), handspun by me.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


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Pattern: Trellis, from Interweave Knits, Spring 2006
Yarn: 100% Cashmere, recycled from a sweater.

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